5 Items for a Dollar or Less that I Can Not RV Without

Really?  A dollar or less?  Yes.  And of course it wasn’t intentional, but I have learned that these 5 items have been invaluable to our RVing experience.

#1 Plastic Dish Pan

I get these at Dollar Tree.  They fit in some drawers and most cabinets.  The reason I like them is that they squish together and keep things in place while in transit.  Plus its easy to grab one to take outside, etc.  Here is a picture of one of my cabinets.  And, if the get really dirty or nasty, throw them out and replace on the road.

#2 Hungry Jack Hash Browns

Okay – they aren’t always $1, but on sale and with a coupon you can stock up.  I love them because they don’t take up much space, don’t have to be refrigerated or frozen.  Plus, you can use what you need and safe the rest for another morning.  Again, this was an impulse buy that turned out to be a necessity.   I also recommend other dried potatoe products such as Idahoan Mashed Potatoes.  Very little prep and they travel well.  I’m the first one to love fresh food, but I have discovered that I would rather spend my prep time and storage space on fresh salads, vegetables, and fruits.

#3 Plastic Grocery Bags – FREE

plastic grocery bags, a dollar or less

I use them for EVERYTHING.   Of course trash is the most obvious, because when you are RVing you are dumping trash every day if not several times.  They make clean up easy for food prep too.  And are great for extra protection your cabinets as well.  Or dirty shoes, too.  I have one small cabinet that is always stocked with them and they are great for padding items in travel too.

#4 Foam Traysfoam traiys a dollar or less

Again – this was an accidental find at Fry’s (Kroger, etc.)  They come in a pack of 30 for $1 and are great for a quick sandwich, on the road, carrying something to my outdoor kitchen, etc.  Cheap and easy cleanup.  It’s how I roll.


#5 Clothes Pins

To me this is anotha dollar or less, clothespinser Dollar Tree item.  Don’t waste your money on expensive chip clips, or even hangers with clips.  A few clothes pins can seal a bag of pasta, frozen veggies, or keep some papers together.  I guarantee you will find a use for them.  Or, just use them for their purpose – hanging clothes up to dry.

A Dollar or Less – that’s all for now

Well I know that this isn’t a complete list and I’m sure that you have your favorites as well.  Share your ideas with other readers, please.

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